Japan’s Internal Ministry published on its website a report that shows that the country’s population has continued to shrink for the third year in a row. The proportion of those 65 years old and up has also risen to a new record, highlighting the increasing problem of an aging population in the world’s third largest economy. The documentary is filmed in one of the prefecture of Japan where maternity rate is Zero and the Hospital is so silent that it turned out to be a store room. The documentary has also featured one of the amusement park,where thousand of visitor used to visit but eventually it turned out to be a graveyard when no visitor and no children comes to visit there.
here's some few marital statistics.
Marital status[edit]
- Over 15: Never married Male 61.8%, Female 58.2%. Never married Male 31.8%, Female 23.7%.
- 25 – 29: Never married Male 69.3%, Female 54.0%.
- 30 – 34: Never married Male 42.9%, Female 26.6% (July 2000).
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